Santa Muerte Tarot Deck
Book of The Dead
by Fabio Listrani
You will be enchanted by the masterpiece of inspired imagery in this deck!
The Goddess of Death & The Lady of Mystery is the ancient Aztec goddess of the underworld. She is the Lady of Mystery and Hidden passages.
The Santa Muerte Deck is a powerful tool for working with the mysticism associated with the Day of the Dead and Santa Muerte.
78 Cards | Box measures 3 x 5 x 2 inches. Includes Booklet.
Explore and Work with these incredible images! Santa Muerte is known to aid in:
- Help in overcoming negative influences in your life
- Passing through to the other side
- Death & Life issues
- Banish Illness
- Break Hexes
- Exorcism
- Banishment
- Banish Evil/Negatives
- Dispel Evil/Negatives
- Absorb Evil/Negatives
- Binding
- Uncrossing
- Breaking Habits
- Rid Unwanted Relationship(s)
- For when you are feeling lost or confused and more
The companion booklets for most Lo Scarabeo decks are in five languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, and German.