About Us

Merry Meet!

13 Moons strives to serve all varieties of witch and practitioner by providing an eclectic and inclusive range of products. From devout Pagans to the Occult-curious, you’ll find something that suits you. We are family owned and operated since 1997.

1980's, The magick began!

The love of adventure brought Jeff & Sandy together. Our interest in metaphysical/pagan books, quality ritual tools, healing, handcrafted art and magical herb gardening grew. These passions steadily led us to the creation of our magical community.

1990's, 13 Moons commences:

In the beginning, we drew a rune symbol on a rock with wishes and desires.

It was cast into the water along with many other elements such as brother wind, sun, moon... our wishes and desires began to be known to us... and is now 13 Moons. We thank the elements and we thank you for helping us begin a dream and to grow from the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland to beautiful Vermont.

The need in the world-wide pagan community for affordable, quality ritual altar supplies presented us with a new adventure and the magick grew!

2000's, Crafters Join with Us:

Craft persons and artists joined with 13 Moons providing altar wands, ritual clothing, handmade pagan jewelry, candles, herbs, statuary and much more! Throughout these years 13 Moons has become interwoven by wonderful people worldwide.

2010's, Your Reliable Source for Magical Supplies:

13 Moons continued to grow as many pagan themes expanded and became popular. New co-workers and crafters/artists join our magick circle as well as many customers who found us as their reliable source for magical, pagan supplies. Customers claimed "13 Moons... the 'only place to shop'!

2020's, Staff Excellence:

We continue to listen to your needs as we explore new and enchanting, pagan ritual tools to add to the magickal supplies within our online shop.

13 Moons' Staff are the best, giving you the excellent customer service you deserve! Each co-worker adds a degree of excellence, a bit of charm as well as their unique, magical specialty.

Into the Future, The Magic Continues!

Jeff & Sandy's granddaughters don witchy hats and the oldest has been seen walking in town with a Y-shaped twig. Passerbys exclaim "A Water Witch"!

Join our circle at 13 Moons - become part of the growing, magical family! Allow your desires and dreams to come true as we continue to provide you with unique and affordable pagan tools and outstanding customer service.

Thank you for joining the Growing Circle at 13 Moons!

Many Blessings to all!

Corey, Chi, Brandon, Deborah, Sandy, Jeff and Nokomis!