Heather Flower
Calluna vulgaris
1 ounce of heather flowers in a resealable bag.
This herb is a good choice for new beginnings, self-discovery, attracting friendly spirits and faeries to your garden.
For bath use, place in tea ball or cotton drawstring bag and place in bath water.
Also known as: Common Heather, Heath, Ling, Scottish Heather
Please note that the color of the heather varies depending on the growing season.
Heather is associated with:
- Planet: Venus
- Element: Water
- Sabbat: Summer Solstice, Midsummer, Litha
- Deities: Isis, Brigid, Osiris, Aphrodite, Venus
- Astrological Associations: Gemini
- Protection Spells
- Peaceful Household
- Good Luck
- Positive Energy
- Attract Friendly Spirits
All herbs are hand weighed and meant for crafting and magickal use only. Ounces of whole pieces, leaves, berries may contain broken or torn pieces.
Always store your herbs in a dark area for a longer shelf-life.