Hawthorn Berry
Crataegus monogyna
1 ounce of whole Berries in a resealable bag.
It is a tree of the Faery Folk and known from the saying "Oak, Ash and Thorn". In Wiccan based traditions, Hawthorn is one of the nine sacred woods used in ritual bonfires.
Also called: Hawthorne, Haw, May Bush, May Tree, Mayblossom, Mayflower, Quickset, Thorn-apple Tree, Whitethorn, Bread and Cheese Tree, Quick, Gazels and Ladies' Meat.
Magickal Uses:
- Planet: Mars
- Element: Fire
- Sabbat: Beltane
- Deities: Belenus, Cardea, the White Goddess, Hymen, Maia, Flora.
- Happiness
- Fairy Magick
- Hand-fastings
- Protectio from spirits and harmful magic
All herbs and spices are hand weighed and meant for crafting and magickal use only. Ounces of whole pieces, leaves, or berries may contain broken or torn pieces.