Introducing the Ultimate Altar Tool Set
Your Full Altar Set includes a wonderful collection of altar tools to help you create a magickal array of spells, charms and more. We have assembled your set to fit comfortably into a 8 x 11 inch wooden altar box. This is an excellent set for any level of witch or wizard. Included are some of the most essential altar tools for rituals and spell-crafting.
The Full Altar Set Includes:
- Wooden Carved 8 x 11 in Box
- Pentacle Ritual Chalice
- Brass Cauldron
- Black Handle Athame
- Basic Altar Wand
- Pentacle Altar Tile
- Altar Incense
- Sea Salt
- Black 4 inch Altar Candle
- White 4 inch Altar Candle
- Two Candle Holders
- Wooden and Brass Pentacle 2 x 3 inch box
- Anointing Oil by 13 Moons
- Consecration Oil by 13 Moons
- Altar Bell
- Pentacle Altar Cloth
- Instruction Pamphlet
Please Note: No Shipment of Athame in Altar Tool Set to Australia, Brazil or Greece. Customs will remove all blades from your package. We will remove it before shipping to customers in Australia, Brazil or Greece.
Information, Meaning and Uses of the Altar Tools
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The following information is to help you begin using your altar set. If you are following a particular path with its own associations, feel free to disregard anything contradictory.
Altar Box: We have included a 8 x 11 inch elegantly carved wooden box to hold your ritual tools. The altar is a place to arrange your tools, candles and any other items you may use in your rituals or ceremonies. The wooden box can serve as a small altar by turning it upside down.
Athame (knife): This 7 inch athame with double edged stainless steel blade has a black wood handle, silver trim, and sheath. Athames are a traditional magickal tool used in Wiccan, Witchcraft and Pagan ceremonies, rituals and spell-crafting. Associated with the element of Air, they are commonly used to represent male energy.
Wand: Your altar wand is approximately 8 inches long and is crafted from high quality birch wood in a two-tone finish. You can further accent and personalize your ritual wand if you wish. Magick wands have been used for thousands of years and are still used today in spiritual ways by calling upon deities to be present within a ceremony. You can use it by drawing a magick circle creating your sacred space, directing energies so that they are released in the direction the magick wand is pointed. The wand is also used for healing and to draw negative energy from the dis-eased body. The wand is usually associated with the element of Air, but in some practices it is associated with the element of Fire.
Chalice: Your altar set includes a dual toned silver and gold chalice featuring a pentacle. The chalice measures approximately 5 inches and is appropriate to hold any liquid for your rituals. The chalice is used to represent the element of Water and the divine feminine. Silver has a strong connection to the Moon and feminine energy. Please note that chalice style may vary slightly.
Altar Tile: This silver pentacle altar tile combines with your other elements to manifest your needs/desires on a material and tangible level. The five pointed star known as a pentacle has become a well known symbol for the magickal arts in its many forms. Each point represents one of the five elements, Earth, Air, Fire, Water and the fifth is called Aether or Spirit. It may point up or down depending on your practice. The ritual pentacle tile was traditionally used for protection and blessing other ritual items. It is the focal point of strength and meditation while casting spells and other ritual/ceremonial work. Altar pentacles are usually feminine and are associated with the element of Earth.
Treasure Box: We have included a 2 x 3 inch wood and brass pentacle treasure box in your altar set. This lovely small box will grace any table, desk or shelf in your home, sacred space or office. It is perfect for small altar items, gemstones, jewelry, treasures, dreams and wishes.
Brass Cauldron Incense Burner: This 2 x 2 inch brass cauldron is perfect for mixing small potions, brews, herbs, oils. It can also be using for scrying or to burn your altar incense. Cauldrons are commonly associated with female energy.
Altar Cloth: Approximately 18 x 18 inch purple and black cloth with a pentacle as the focal point. Altar cloths were traditionally used in sacred spaces as protection during ritual and ceremonies. The altar is very significant to your rituals and your central focus is at your altar. Whether nature's ground, a tree stump, a wooden stool, an elaborate table, or the box with your set, this is where you honor life, bless your tools, and work magick. Altar cloths are not merely for decoration. The mundane is left behind as you spread out your altar cloth allowing the spiritual, the mystery and the magick to begin. If your altar has other daily purposes, such as if you are using your coffee table or piano stool for your altar, your altar cloth protects your ritual tools from receiving any unwanted energies.
Candles: Your set includes one black and one white 4 inch chime candle and can be burned for spells, rituals and celebrations. They can also be burned to enhance your workings with herbs and oils. These candles are the perfect size and burning time for your rituals and spells. Burn time is approximately 2 hours.
Candle Holders: Included in your set is one gold and one silver 7 point start candle holders. The 7 pointed star is also known as the faery star and is one of the most popular candle holders for chime candles. Each one is crafted of silver and gold tone metal and is made for the 4 x .50 inch chime candles. It is slightly adjustable to obtain a snug fit and a perfect addition to your altar set.
Anointing Oil: Your 13 Moons' exclusive anointing oil comes in a .25 ounce amber apothecary bottle. We created this blend of essential oils and resins to add strength and success to your spell workings or self dedication. Use it when you are preparing to enter your ritual, ceremony and for spell-crafting. You may anoint yourself, candles, ritual tools, or others before you begin a ritual. Add to your ritual bath or washes for added strength. A small dab on your forehead and the soles of your feet is a good way to call the in the energies.
Consecration Oil: Your 13 Moons' exclusive consecration oil comes in a .25 ounce amber apothecary bottle. We created this blend of essential oils and resins to assist you in dedicating your altar. Align yourself by focusing your thoughts, emotions, body and will to dedicate your magickal tools to the sacred. Lightly oil each item in your set with this consecration oil. It is not necessary to coat each tool entirely. A few small dabs is more than enough. The consecration of your tools can be done over a period of time as you become familiar with the use of each one.
Altar Incense: Our exclusive 13 Moons altar incense is in a 2 x 3 inch resealable bag and does not need a charcoal disk. Pinch a small amount of it into a triangle on your brass cauldron and light the top. You can also use the incense as a powder by sprinkling it about your ritual space (be careful of using it around pets). Incense is used by most ancient traditions to carry your communication to the spirit world.
Bell: Your bell measures approximately 2 inches tall and can be used to begin, end and punctuate rituals. Bells are often used to call the spirits to your space and are also used to clear negative energies. Please Note: Color of bell may vary from photo.
Sea Salt: We have included a 2 x 3 inch bag of sea salt for cleansing of your magickal tools. Sea salt represents the elements Earth and Water. You may want to pre-cleanse your altar set by mixing your salt with the cleanest water you can find, such as spring, rain or moon water. The salt and water may be periodically used to remove unwanted energies from your tools or circle.