Crystal Quartz Sand
to Clear Negativity
Gemstone sand can be used any time you want to add a little of the energy of a specific stone, but don’t want to use a whole crystal. You can use it to dress candles, add to chambered pendulums, pendants, and rings, or use with our standard colored sand in a mandala. You can even add it to our resin or powered incense. Come up with your own blends when more than one effect is needed. The possibilities are endless!
Crystal Quartz is associated with:
- Planet: Sun
- Element: Earth, Air, Fire, Water
- Chakra: Crown
- Communication Stone
- Stone of Power
- Master Healer
- Amplify energy being worked
- Prayer/Wish Stone
- Psychic Work
- Meditation
- Amplify Intentions
- Focus Energy
- Activate Energy
- Amplify Thoughts
- Transmit and Transduce Energy
- Transmit and Transduce Thoughts
- Amplifies your natural healing energies
- All Purpose Healer - Great Healing Stone
- Use for image work; use the stone as a person or object and any color; or as a substitute for another stone.
Color may differ slightly from photo due to natural variations in the gemstones.