Crows and Ravens

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Crows and Ravens: Mystery, Myth, and Magic of Sacred Corvids

By Rick De Yampert with Foreword by H. Byron Ballard

Exploring history, folklore, mythology, and science, this book gives you a unique look at two of the most popular magical creatures of all time. The crow and his cousin, the raven, are featured players in many cultures throughout the world, including Norse, Celtic, Jewish, and Indigenous traditions. This guide teaches you how to welcome these highly intelligent birds into your own spiritual practice, whether you follow Wicca, Heathenry, Druidry, or any other path.

Crows & Ravens presents rituals, meditations, and exercises that help you discover the magic and mystery of corvids. Learn about crow and raven divination, create your own crow-raven talisman, uncover the shadowy side of corvids, and more. Found in nearly all urban and wild environments, these birds present you with magical opportunities and life lessons wherever you go.

288 pages | Size: 6 x 9 inches | Soft Cover

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Rosemary K
Crows and Ravens

A very interesting insight into the corvid families, interactions among human and crows/ravens and lots of historical backgound. It is a well researched and written book.

Shaun Wilson
Crows and Ravens

Great read!

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