Crones Book of Magical Words

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Crone's Book of Magical Words
by Valerie Worth

Crone's Book of Magical Words by Valerie Worth is the book you've been waiting for! In its pages are over 125 spells, incantations and charms. If you can think of a purpose for a spell, it's probably in this book. Need a spell to summon a ghost? Or perhaps you want the opposite: a spell to free a house from being haunted. They're both in this book. Do you need something to help you lose weight or have longevity? You'll find them here. Or perhaps you want to pass through a locked door. It's all in this book.

Even if you don't know a thing about magic, you can use this book. The spells are easy, poetic, and evocative. For example, to cure a wart the instructions are: "Stamp within a silver cup mullein and houseleek together. Stir them with a sparrow's feather. Let it draw the juices up; Twenty times upon one day, brush them over the excrescence; Under sunlight dry the essence - Soon the wart must shrink away."

The range in this book is phenomenal. You'll find a simple fertility charm and a way to conjure with smoke. You'll read about how to bring rain and how to stop rain from falling. You'll learn how to tell fortunes with sand or with tea leaves. This is more than just a book about magic, it is a folklorist's bonanza.

If you're ready to win another's love or to sweeten someone's disposition, if you want to turn hair long and golden or discover tree spirits, this is the book you must have. Whether you have been doing magic for a long time or are a beginner, this book is a must.

168 pages, 5 x 8 Inches

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Kathryn Kolaczynski

Great book

Very cool!

This book addresses more situations than I anticipated and I love it!


Interesting book

Tamara Bailey MacDonald
You have unearthed an ancient tome

I was immediately drawn back in time, hundreds of years ago as l thumbed through every single charm, potion, incantation and spell contained with the pages of “Crone’s Book of Magickal Words.” This book gives me the opportunity to honor all the witches that came before me in our interwoven collective history.


Part of bundle of gifts for fiancé. Package was shipped quick and well protected

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