Celtic Triquetra Altar Cloth, Black on Purple with Fringe
Hand made of silky rayon with fringe, a large encircled Triquetra is the focal point followed by Celtic corner designs and border. Invoke wisdom, protection, astral projection and magick this purple cloth. Use for your tarot cards, pendulum work, candle magick, ritual work and spellcrafting.
The altar cloth creates a barrier between the mundane and the magical, allowing you to practice your craft in style. Hand made in India and measures between 16 to 18 inches square. Made of 100% silky rayon.
Literally meaning, three-cornered (tri-quetrus), the triquetra is a Celtic infinity knot that represents the belief that life moves in everlasting cycles of three. Printed on this lovely cloth, it brings a powerful energy to your ritual. Celtic knots on the sides direct your focus to the center point and help guide you in your practice.
Triquetras are associated with:
- Magic
- Past, Present, Future
- Earth, Sea, Sky
- Life's Cycles
Please Note: Imperfections (e.g., dye runs, thread runs) and size variations may be found. Color may vary slightly from image shown, image may be slightly off center. Refunds are available for non-manufacturing or substantial defects only.