65 Herb Set
The Ultimate Bundle of our Magical Herb Sets. This collection of herbs, spices and resins is the complete set of the most popular, magickal and useful organic or wildcrafted herbs. Expand your herbal knowledge! Experience the many difference scents, from sweet and floral to rich and earthy. Spell-craft Herbs for your Ritual and Ceremonial Uses.
65 Samplers of the following herbs listed with a few of their associations:
- Agrimony: Cleansing, Protection, Peace, Spiritual Well Being
- Alfalfa: Good Luck, Money, Prosperity
- Allspice Berries: Luck, Money, Spiritual Well Being, Success in Business
- Angelica: Peace, Calm, Spiritual Well Being
- Bay Leaf: Protection, Psychic Powers, Purification, Spiritual Well Being, Strength
- Benzoin: Astral Projection, Blessings, Clears Negative Energy, Prosperity, Purification
- Birch Bark: Beauty, Beltane Fires, Fairy Magick, Renewal, Strength, Wisdom
- Blessed Thistle: Hex Breaking, Purification, Spiritual Well Being
- Boneset: Rid Jinxes, Rid Hexes, Ritual Cleansings
- Caraway: Lust, Protection
- Catnip: Abundance, Beauty, Cat Magick, Love
- Chamomile: Love, Money, Purification, Peace, Calm
- Chicory Root: Good Luck, Divination, Strength and Curse Removal
- Cinnamon Chips: Love, Lust, Protection, Psychic Powers, Spirituality, Spiritual Well Being, Love, Visions
- Dandelion Leaf: Balance, Calling Spirits, Creativity, Sun/Solar Rituals, Wishes
- Echinacea: Defensive Magick, Inner, Spiritual Well Being, Strength, Strengths Spells
- Elderberry: Exorcism, Prosperity, Protection, Peace, Spiritual Well Being
- Eucalyptus: Protection, Spiritual Well Being
- Fennel: Meditation, Psychic Powers, Remove Negativity, Ward off Evil Spirits
- Feverfew: Divination, Love, Protection
- Frankincense Tears: Consecration, Exorcism, Dispel Negativity, Grounding, Lunar/Solar, Meditation, Protection, Purification, Spirituality
- Galangal: Hex Breaking, Lust, Money, Protection, Psychic Powers
- Gardenia Fruit: Happiness, Lunar Magick, Peace, Spirituality, Spiritual Well Being
- Ginger: Love, Money, Power, Success
- Hawthorn Berries: Beltane, Courage, Encourages Self-Love, Fairy Magick, Spiritual Well Being
- Heather: Attracts Friendly Spirits, Good Luck, Positive Energy
- Hibiscus: Divination, Love, Lust
- Hops: Peace, Spiritual Well Being
- Hyssop: Cleansing, Consecration, Protection, Purification, Spiritual Well Being
- Irish Moss: Luck, Money, Protection
- Jasmine: Friendship, Lunar Magick, Spiritual Love
- Lavender: Happiness, Love, Peace, Protection, Purification, Relaxation, Peace
- Lemon Balm: Love, Success, Spiritual Well Being
- Lemon Verbena: Love, Purification
- Lemongrass: Balance, Clarity, Communication, Divination, Love, Lust, Protection
- Marjoram: Happiness, Love, Money, Protection, Purification
- Meadowsweet: Divination, Happiness, Love, Peace
- Mistletoe: Forgiveness, Love, Midsummer, Protection, Reconciliation, Yule
- Motherwort: Confidence, Counter Magick, Goddess, Joy, Love, Protection, Purpose
- Mugwort: Astral Projection, Prophetic Dreams, Protection, Psychic Powers, Spiritual Well Being
- Mullein: Courage, Divination, Dreams, Protection
- Myrrh Powder: Magick, Meditation, Protection, Purification, Spirituality, Spiritual Well Being
- Nettle: Lust, Protection, Spiritual Well Being
- Orange Peel: Divination, Happiness, Joy, Love, Money
- Oregano: Good Luck, Happiness, Well Being, Tranquility
- Orris Root Powder: Divination, Love Magick, Protects from Evil Spirits, Spirit Communication
- Peppermint: Love, Psychic Powers, Purification, Peace, Spiritual Well Being
- Quassia: Bring and Keep Love
- Red Rose Petals: Love, Love Divination, Luck, Protection, Psychic Powers, Romantic Dreams, Spiritual Well Being
- Rose Hips: Love, Spiritual Well Being
- Rosemary: Exorcism, Love, Lust, Protection, Purification, Peace, Spiritual Well Being
- Sacred White Sage: Cleansing, Spiritual Well Being, Protection, Spirituality
- Sage: Immortality, Longevity, Protection, Wisdom, Wishes
- Senna Leaf: Faithfulness, Love, Lust
- Spearmint: Dreams, Money, Prosperity, Protection, Spiritual Well Being, Strength
- St. Johns Wort: Protect against Evil, Repel Negatives, Romance, Strength, Sun Rituals
- Star Anise: Cleansing, Divine Well Being, Good Luck, Protection, Purification, Samhain, Yule
- Thyme: Purification, Peace
- Valerian: Love, Protection, Purification, Peace
- Vervain: Purification, Peace, Peace, Spiritual Well Being
- White Willow Powder: Dream Magick, Guard Against Evil, Well Being, Rituals, Heighten Intuition, Love, Protection
- Yarrow: Balance, Courage, Good Luck, Love, Positive Energy, Protection, Spiritual Well Being
Each herb is packed in a 2" x 3" resealable bag for convenient use and storage.
Always store your herbs in a dark area for a longer shelf-life.